The United States

I last posted from the United States 6 years ago.

States I’ve been to in the United States

Places I’ve been in the United States

Trips in the United States

All posts and images from the United States

2018/12/10Tettegouche state park

A photo taken from high up, overlooking a bend in Baptism river. The river is mostly covered in snow and ice. There’s sparkles in the air from snow flying about.

2018/12/09Off to the North Shore

A small lighthouse at the end of a pier is silhouette in front of a setting sun.

2018/12/07Pavek Museum of Broadcasting

A photo of the front of a vintage recording device. The device has a label on the front reading “Tapak ‘NewsCaster’ spring-driven recorder”

2018/12/06To Minnesota for Thanksgiving

Looking along the shore of Lake Harriet. Close to the shore the edges of the lake have frozen in to intricate shapes. The banks are brown and autumnal.