To San Sebastián
With some time off from work, my mom and I visited San Sebastián for a few days. Day 1 included much walking and many pintxos.
Rezola cement museum and factory
Permalink to “Rezola cement museum and factory”What better way to start a holiday than with a visit to the local cement museum and factory. The museum was quick to go through with a couple cool models. More impressive was the real factory next door.
Lynn Horsford ― Rezola cement factory ― 2019/04/26
1/1700s at f/2.5, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Rezola cement factory ― 2019/04/26
1/1800s at f/2, 53mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Monte Igueldo
Permalink to “Monte Igueldo”A short funicular ride up monte Igueldo brings visitors to a great view back over San Sebastián’s beaches.
Inside the funicular station.
Funicular Monte Igueldo ― 2019/04/26
1/2000s at f/1.4, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Monte Igueldo ― 2019/04/26
1/1900s at f/4, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Rather bizarrely, there’s a small funfair at the top of the mountain.
Parque de Atracciones Monte Igueldo ― 2019/04/26
1/14000s at f/1.4, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Dodgems on a mountain side.
Parque de Atracciones Monte Igueldo ― 2019/04/26
1/9000s at f/1.4, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
Parque de Atracciones Monte Igueldo ― 2019/04/26
1/8000s at f/1.4, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
The Comb of the Wind
Permalink to “The Comb of the Wind”A lovely sculpture by Eduardo Chillida at the base of monte Igueldo.
The Comb of the Wind, 1977, by Eduardo Chillida.
The Comb of the Wind ― 2019/04/26
1/5400s at f/2, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
The Comb of the Wind, 1977, by Eduardo Chillida.
The Comb of the Wind ― 2019/04/26
1/2700s at f/2, 24mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20
1/2200s at f/4.5, 53mm, ISO 200, Fuji X-T20