To Minnesota for Thanksgiving
With one day to spare I booked a ticket to visit my family in Minnesota for Thanksgiving. I normally visit at Christmas - but this year we won’t be going, so it made sense to visit for the next-nearest holiday.
As a non-American, Thanksgiving is a weird non-Christmas-yet-still-festive holiday. The decorations are up, it’s cold, and there’s turkey. But there aren’t so many jingles on the radio.
I’m told that in Minnesota there’s a 50/50 chance that there’ll be snow around this time. This year there wasn’t, but it was still chilly - between 3ºc and -10ºc whilst I visited.
Lake Harriet ― 2018/11/22
1/350s at f/4, 60mm, ISO 100, Nikon D800
The fluctuating temperatures around zero cause interesting features to form in the ice. Here my best guess is that pools have started to melt, and have then refrozen. It’s fascinating all the different ways that ice manifest.
Lake Harriet ― 2018/11/22
1/500s at f/4.8, 70mm, ISO 100, Nikon D800
50m beyond the previous photo and the ice was completely different. It looked like this had formed in to big sheets that had broken up and then frozen together. It was still rather thing though - you wouldn’t want to walk on this yet.
Walker Art Center
Permalink to “Walker Art Center”The Walker is one of my favourite museums (up there with the Hayward Gallery and New Museum). We went to see the Siah Armajani show - which was excellent, but didn’t inspire any photos. He had a wide variety across his career. I particularly liked his mathematically inspired drawings using factorials and typewriters.
Pro-EU anti-brexit poster campaign, 2016, by Wolfgang Tillmans
Walker Art Center ― 2018/11/27
1/20s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 40, iPhone 7
Walker Art Center ― 2018/11/27
1/15s at f/1.8, 28mm, ISO 40, iPhone 7
I wonder sometimes if museums will be the last place you’ll find certain bits of technology. Obviously museums about technology will - but also so many museums still use them for contemporary exhibitions. Will future generations start to associate big cube TVs and projectors as specialist items for exhibitions?
Declared Void II, 2013, by Carey Young
Ed Horsford ― Walker Art Center ― 2018/11/27
1/60s at f/1.8, 26mm, ISO 100, iPhone Xs
It seems increasingly that shows and works are made with Instagram in mind. The Hayward’s Space Shifters was great for this. I assume it’s a win-win for the gallery - they get increased exposure for their show, and the user gets a selfie.