Richmond Park at dawn
Every couple years I join my friends from the London Flickr Meetups group for a Richmond Park sunrise shoot. It’s a speculative journey - as often as not the weather doesn’t turn out and you have grey, flat light all morning; or you don’t spot any deer; or they’re too skittish to get close to.
1/30s at f/2.8, 24mm, ISO 100, Nikon D800
This trip started like several others before it - with uninspiring, dull light. You start to wonder whether a 4:30am start was worth it, as the first coffee begins to wear off. It pushes you to try to find new angles and interesting compositions. No deer to be found either.
1/180s at f/4, 155mm, ISO 100, Nikon D800
1/250s at f/4, 200mm, ISO 100, Nikon D800
As the clouds started to break we got a glimpse of sun and of some deer. They ran off down the hill, giving us an indication where we might find more.
1/100s at f/5.6, 200mm, ISO 250, Nikon D800
1/125s at f/6.7, 200mm, ISO 110, Nikon D800
1/100s at f/6.7, 200mm, ISO 110, Nikon D800
I suppose the stags are probably what many come to the parks for - and today I was lucky to find two in good spirits and willing to be photographed.
1/1000s at f/4, 200mm, ISO 220, Nikon D800
Something I notice getting home, is that whilst the stag photos are all very impressive, they’re also very same-samey. Similar compositions, similar looks. Once you’ve got the front-on shot of them, any more seem redundant. Here I’ve tried to pick out some of the alternates with more interesting angles.
1/1000s at f/4, 170mm, ISO 400, Nikon D800
1/350s at f/5.6, 135mm, ISO 360, Nikon D800